School Hours

School Offices

Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The Lion Shoppe

Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Looking for weekly schedules and announcements?

The Weekly Roar

This page has resources and information to help you navigate the life of a Lion at SACS.


Whole School


Middle School

High School


Several athletic health forms are required prior to the beginning of each school year. Please see the RANKONE page on our athletic website for your required forms.

Athletic Handbook

The SACS Uniform Store is open from 7:30am-4pm Monday through Friday.

See Uniforms at a Glance to see photos and descriptions of all options and requirements for uniforms and shoes.

San Antonio Christian School is pleased to offer our school community the convenience of purchasing school approved uniforms from Risse Brothers School Uniforms in San Antonio. Visit their storefront right on our campus or order online at Risse Brothers School Uniforms to outfit your boys and girls in clothing that meets dress codes. Find uniform items and LIONS Spirit Wear in our on-campus Spirit SHOP. Please refer to our Parent/Student Handbook for detailed Dress Code policies.

School Uniform Store

On campus at
San Antonio Christian School

All students in good academic, behavioral, and financial standing are eligible to remain enrolled at SACS.  The Continuous Enrollment Agreement you signed in previous years secured your student’s place through graduation. The terms for opting out and withdrawing remain unchanged (see below). Unless there is an update to a school policy or a handbook change, you will not need to review and re-affirm your agreement and support.

Students who choose not to re-enroll will need to contact the Director of Admissions to obtain a withdrawal form. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Continuous Enrollment work?

The first year your student enrolls is the only year you will be required to pay an enrollment fee. New Tuition and Fee schedules will always be published by January for your review.

Subsequent years – Your student will have a reserved seat in each subsequent year and thus be continuously enrolled.

What do I commit to paying when I enroll?

  • FACTS Account Fee ($25 if you pay tuition annually or by semester, $55 if you pay monthly)
    (billed through FACTS in late February)
  • The Tuition and Fees for the upcoming school year
    (due June 1 each year, billed through FACTS based on the payment option you choose)

Do I have to commit to staying through graduation?

We hope your students thrive at SACS and walk across the stage at a May graduation. We understand this may not happen for some families. Therefore, there is always an option to notify us of your intention not to return and therefore be released from your Continuous Enrollment Contract. Each year, the opportunity to be released from your contract without financial obligation for future years is January 31st.

How do I withdraw from my Continuous Enrollment Agreement?

To withdraw (or opt-out) of your Continuous Enrollment agreement for the upcoming school year, you must submit a Continuous Enrollment Withdrawal Form, which can be obtained from the Director of Admissions. If we receive this form by January 31st, you will have no further financial obligation for the following years. See the breakdown below of withdrawal time frames and your associated financial obligation, per the Continuous Enrollment Agreement. Because of the financial commitment on the school’s part,  withdrawals from the agreement after January 31st will be billed the corresponding tuition obligation through your FACTS account. If you withdraw from your agreement after January 31st, you will be billed your corresponding obligation through your FACTS account in May.  Withdrawal notifications received after May will be assessed the corresponding tuition obligation and will be due at the time of your withdrawal request.

January                  Opt-out with no fee
February                10% of tuition is due
March – May          25% of tuition is due
June – July              50% of tuition is due
August or later      100% of tuition is due

Do you take special circumstances into consideration?

As always,  SACS understands changes may happen. If you choose to cancel your  Continuous Enrollment Agreement outside the January enrollment period, you may be released from the financial obligation only be one of the following life events:

  1. Death of a parent, court appointed legal guardian, or the student;
  2. Withdrawal at the school’s request for academic or behavioral reasons;
  3. A physician’s written determination that a student’s medical condition will no longer permit the student to attend the school;
  4. Moving more than 25 miles outside of the city due to job transfer or new employment. 

If your family who experiences other difficulties such as unemployment, separation/divorce, or unexpected medical illness of the person responsible for paying tuition, you may apply for tuition assistance through the Student Billing Office. Financial needs will be reviewed on an individual basis.

Can I apply for Tuition Assistance?

Yes. SACS offers a needs-based tuition assistance program. Applications for tuition assistance are processed through Student Billing in the Executive Office. See more information here. After you have submitted your form to FACTS with all necessary documents, it can take up to 4 weeks to receive your tuition assistance offer from SACS. We will consider your family’s financial needs at any time throughout the year, however, please be aware we have limited resources for tuition assistance.

Where do I send my Continuous Enrollment Withdrawal Form?

Please return your signed form via email or deliver in person to the Admissions Welcome Center.

School Services

College guidance begins in the spring of a student’s eighth grade year. At this time, students meet with a counselor to review and select their courses for the following year.

Throughout their high school career, students attend individual and group sessions which focus on academic advising, college admissions test preparation, extracurricular involvement, career and college major exploration, college selection, the college application process and scholarship searches.

The Guidance Department encourages students and parents to meet with them to discuss the path to graduation for their student as needed. We strive to ensure our students and their families are well-prepared and informed as they determine colleges or universities of interest.


Parents/guardians are required to sign their portion of the forms.  Parents/guardians may FAX forms to physician’s office to obtain signature. The physician may FAX the forms directly to the elementary or secondary school offices as needed.


Prior to the first day of school, your student’s immunizations must be up to date, and a current copy of them must be submitted to the nurse’s office, WITHOUT EXCEPTION!

Incoming 4 year olds require immunizations for DTAP, Polio, MMR and VAR. Incoming 7th graders require a booster of the t-Dap vaccine, a Chicken Pox booster and a Meningococcal vaccine.

If you do not wish to immunize your student, you MUST have a current affidavit from the state of Texas filled out correctly and submitted prior to the first day of school. Any student who is missing proper immunization documents may be removed from the classroom until proof of records have been submitted to the nurse.


If your student requires a prescription drug during school hours, that unexpired medication must be submitted to the nurse’s office in its original packaging from the pharmacy, labeled correctly with your student’s information and dosing instructions. A Physician Authorization for Medication form should accompany the medication if your student is in elementary school.


If your student has a prescription for an inhaler or epi-pen, please submit the Asthma Action Plan or epi-pen Allergy Emergency Action Plan. These forms must be filled out each year and signed by your prescribing physician. When it is not recommended by a physician that a student carry his/her inhaler, those inhalers will be stored and administered by the nurse as necessary. All prescription and submitted over-the-counter medications will be sent with an adult chaperone on field trips and retreats throughout the year.


For elementary students, no over the counter medicine will be given unless it is submitted to the nurse’s office with a medication form prior to the start of your student’s first day of school. The medication form alerts the nurse to any health concerns you feel are necessary to share about your student’s history or current needs. Over the counter medications must be in the original packaging from the store as no bags of loose pills will be accepted. It will be labeled with your
student’s name and stored in a basket behind locked doors. It will be your responsibility to pick up all submitted medications prior to your student’s last day of school.


Included with your online enrollment was a medical release acknowledgment. All students must have a medical release form on file to receive over-the-counter medication. The medical release gives the nurse permission (or not) to dose your student with necessary, provided over-the-counter medication. If you have other medications such as multi-symptom cold medications, decongestants or even vitamins/supplements, those items must be submitted to the nurse’s office prior to the start of your student’s first school day. They must be in the original packaging from the store as no bags of loose pills will be accepted. They will be labeled with your student’s name and stored in a basket behind locked doors.



Hot lunches are available to all students through our campus food service, SAGE Dining. Each PreK-12th grade student must have an account to purchase food. No money is exchanged in the cafeteria line. Visit the FACTS Family Portal to create a lunch account and to manage your balance. Microwaves are available in the Student Life Center for MS/HS students.

Adding Funds to Your Lunch Account:

  1. On the SACS App, click on STUDENT BILLING or OR log into your FACTS account online and click FINANCIAL.
  2. Click on “Add Funds” under Prepay Accounts. You’ll see a parent name listed instead of student names. Funds added here will be stored in your family balance and will cover all of your children. You will no longer need to add funds for each child.
  3. Enter the amount you’d like to add and click “Next – Payment Method”
  4. Choose your payment method and click PAY NOW. 

Secondary parents will be able to view their student’s meal selections each day, and elementary parents will see a fixed price per meal. 

CLICK HERE for Elementary Lunch Pricing

CLICK HERE for Secondary Lunch Pricing

Our after-school programs are designed to provide a positive social-emotional atmosphere for elementary children. The focus is to support and encourage success in all aspects of their development. With a skilled team of teachers and caregivers, students are provided with indoor and outdoor activities, nutritional snacks, and homework assistance.

The SACS after-school programs extend the school day in a fun, nurturing atmosphere. Students may enroll in art programs, various hands-on science programs, and other active programs involving mat ball and gaga ball.

2024-2025 Registration Form


San Antonio Christian School’s FACTS Family Portal gives you, the busy parent, an opportunity to get more involved in your child’s academic progress and future success – all via the Internet!

FACTS Portal is a private and secure website that has been set up for our school to allow you to see complete information specific to your child. You can view your child’s schedule, grades, progress reports, homework, resource documents as well as the full family and staff directory. School Calendar, Report cards, enrollment and FACTS tuition management are also accessed via FACTS Portal as well.

Accessing the FACTS Portal

Use the FACTS Link on our website. FACTS is fully responsive and should work with any device.

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please view our FACTS Family Portal Parent’s Guide.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q:  What is our District Code?

A:  sanc-tx
Our district code is automatically input for you when you click on the FACTS link at the side of our web pages. If you access FACTS for our school through smartphones or directly from the FACTS website, you will need to remember the district code, sanc-tx.

Q:  What do I do if…
I don’t know my user name. 
I don’t know my password.
When I try to log in it tells me “Error:  Invalid Credentials.”

A: The best thing to do is click Forgot Username/Password on the login screen. (CLICK HERE for step-by-step instructions with screenshots.) You will be prompted to type your email address. (It must be the email address that the school has in FACTS as your email address.)

     >An email is sent to your email address with a link.

Click the Click to change password link.

     >A browser window displays your Name, your Person ID, your User Name and obscured Password.

Type a new User Name and Password and click Save Password.

     >A message displays at the top of the browser, “User Name/Password successfully updated.”

Log into FACTS using your new User Name and Password from the SACS homepage.

Q:  I don’t know what email is on file with the school.  What do I do now?

A:  You will need to email your school office to get the email that we have on file at the school. Once you have the email that is in the FACTS system, then use that to reset your Username/Password as explained in the instructions above.


Canvas is our online learning platform where students and parents can access assignments, grades, and important class information. Stay connected with your child’s academic progress, view upcoming assignments, and communicate with teachers—all in one place.

FACTS Family

FACTS Family is our school management system that provides a portal for parent and student information. The FACTS Family Portal contains resource documents, report cards, grades, and homework. First-time users should set up their accounts by going to our dedicated FACTS Family page on the website. You may also type into any web browser. Our school code is sanc-tx.


As part of San Antonio Christian school’s 21st century educational program, students in Grades 6-11 are required to have devices that support our curriculum. SACS requires students to bring a device to school. Recommended tablets that allow the use of a digital pen and run Microsoft Windows can be found in Technology Device Requirements and Registration Guide.

Digital Citizenship

Digital media and technology are evolving at a dizzying pace, both unlocking extraordinary opportunities and posing real risks for young people. Students are using the immense power of the Internet and mobile technology to explore, connect, create, and learn in ways never before imagined, both in and out of the classroom. However, issues that emerge from this 24/7 “connected culture” are surfacing both in schools and at home

San Antonio Christian School believes digital-literacy and citizenship skills have become essential for students in the 21st century, especially in schools like ours that are using technology to transform learning. That’s why we are committed to teaching our students how to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly. In addition to helping students become adept at using technology for information gathering and problem-solving, our teachers aim to instill an understanding of what it means to be a good digital citizen. Today, one of the many facets of building character is helping students understand how to be safe, honest, and kind online and when using digital technology.

San Antonio Christian School is committed to empowering our constituency with information about the Internet and the possible dangers to children online. To ensure a safe and positive experience for children we offer some links with information that will hopefully empower students, teachers, parents, to make the Internet a safer place.

Learn More